I really really want to keep up with this blog. I think I have been mentally tinkering around with the way I want to go on here. Basically, keep it like a happy and hopeful conversation. Sharing what I love, and sharing my sweet family with you.
I am definitely going through the Winter blues, as I do when it's Winter. I tend to feel just like the bare branches that start to droop and break from too much snow pile up. However,I love Winter for the fact, that even though I feel sluggish without the light of the sun, I go into a reflective state during this time. When Spring arrives, I am thankful for the time I had to mentally plan for a new personal growth. I am appreciative of the slower pace as well. I get to snuggle more with my kids, and drinking ample amounts of hot drinks during the day makes sense! And, I tend to shop online more (good or bad?)
This is a song I put on my Winter mix:"I'm doing Winterfull!" It's the energy I am craving during these stagnant and introspective times. It is an artificial way of facilitating a Sun Bath, via music. Enjoy! And stay tuned for pics, quotes, rambles, recipes, links, etc. Happy Tuesday (the most boring day of the week) just kidding.